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Sometimes, all it takes is just that one little moment

ImageSo, after working on a proposal the whole night, I found myself sleeping for only 3 hrs. Trust me , with the way I love my sleep, you can imagine how I was feeling when I had to wake up in the morning. Anyways, I dragged myself out of bed, in my zombie mode, stood for more than 20mins holding my cup of mint tea staring blankly at my closet wondering what to wear. I finally got through the whole process then bolted out of the house avoiding the risk of being late. I can not say I was looking my best to be honest, my mood was crappy and I was feeling groggy and grumpy… God knows what would have happend had someone crossed my path. Anyways, half way between my house and the metro station, I met this little boy, I think he is about 8 years old, on his way to school. He looked up at me with the most adorable eyes and said ” Goedemorgen mevrouw, hebben een fijne dag” –Good morning Miss, have a fine day. I responded, but i just stood there smiling watching him walk past whilst my heart was melting away. That has to be the most adorable thing that happened to me this whole week, in all its hecticness. In a way that I can not explain , this this young boy, a stranger , just lifted my mood and I was ready to go for the whole day. I got my energy back and was just smiling all the way to the metro station, even through out the day …  Little things 🙂

Remember, always go to bed smiling!



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